A Glimpse

Monday, June 30, 2008


Not sure what I'm doing Pam, but did get in.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

blog just read...

I just read my friend Shelley Blog and OMG
her house flooded by the upstairs toilet... What a mess!
Sorry for you Shelley.

This morning I walked my dog Titan 1 1/4 miles and now working on my blog.
trying to get everyting up and running.
This is so much fun!!

Still considering what webhost for my website.okay Bryanna my Daughter had her 16th Birthday on Wednesday the 25th.

We got up and went down to bank, then to the DPS office..where we were #168 in line and they were calling out numbers like bingo..now on 136..then all of sudden a voice was heard...the computers are all down don't now when they will be back up. So need less to say we had to go back Thursday June 26th , Yahoo! she is a liscensed driver with a Brand New Toyota "Yaris" (4-door sedan) liftback is what she wanted but we felt this would be safer then a 2 door. And better resell. Bryanna is not a photo taker. It's the age..I guess. Gas saver 33mpg city 39-40 mpg hwy.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Decisions! Decisions

Well, I have been working on my website, still deciding on things...like,

colors, pictures, wording and one major what host?

I'm thinking about going with Homestead.com

They seem to have a great site and is very savvy for first time web building.

little more expensive but the templates are so much user friendly and more of what I like for my business over 2000 of them.

Gee...choices and I have looked at yahoo site builder....hmmm, and hostmonster with great prices and startlogic and really they are great sites with awsome prices but I don't think I need all of what they offer and the free website builders they have are awful. I signed up to take a look and then cancelled them.

But when I'm up I will let you know.
